I was perusing the available ships and upgrades after the most recent points changes and Hyperspace realignment. Even though I assume that many of the changes were made to counteract the overuse of certain pilots and upgrades in tournament play, it is the opinion of this semi-casual (and occasional tournament) player that the changes went too far. Not only are certain factions not so balanced compared to others, but now many upgrades are now unusable and have to sit in my binder, never to see the light of day outside of casual play.
Now, I know that FFG is made up of people who are just trying to stay gainfully employed and are doing the best they can to balance a game that is played by a relatively tiny percentage of the world population (and even a tiny percentage of board gamers). I salute the work they've done. With that said, without succumbing to rampant verbosity, let me quickly list my (somewhat minor) grievances:
- First Order has only four ships from which to choose... and NO big base ship. That's right: Upsilon has been completely excised from Hyperspace. I wouldn't have minded, say, Tavson being removed; I mean, FFG did remove Quickdraw from Hyperspace, which is fine... However, having just four small-base ships from which to choose (before the release of a somewhat-mediocre-looking Xi shuttle) and NO big-base (or medium-base, for that matter) ship is incongruous to other factions.
- Many low-point-costed upgrades are gone... Composure, Crack Shot, Marksmanship, and other low-point upgrades should just be staples of Hyperspace, as should most munitions (torpedoes, missiles, and so on), sensors, and tech. The preponderance of certain upgrades has (thus far) been effectively managed by modulating squad points... Why deviate from that approach? Besides, I know that there are many folks out there who are salty at seeing certain upgrades being used all the time, but removing them altogether from the creative palette of the squad builder tends to sap the game of its variability. I would see this as the classic "cutting off your nose to spite your face."
- Newly-released ships aren't even in Hyperspace... For example, I believe that the VCX-100, which came out in a recent wave, is NOT in Hyperspace. Wasn't Hyperspace supposed to capture the more recently-released content? Interestingly, Decimator is available for the Empire.
- No U-Wing? No TIE Interceptor? No Scavenged Millennium Falcon...? Certain ships should just be staples.
- Every faction should have at least one big-base ship, one medium-base ship (if available), and three or four staple small-base ships from which to choose. THEN, cycle in or out any number of ships. Cycling out pilots of ships is also fine, though it would be nice to see Wedge Antilles return someday.
- Don't overreact to the meta; keep ALL of the possible upgrades available in Hyperspace. You all did a GREAT thing by making the point totals virtual, so adjust points in response to overuse. Please don't remove upgrades outright.
- As with Magic: The Gathering, the most recent two waves of ships and upgrades should be readily available in Hyperspace to reflect market availability by new players...
- Yet, unlike Magic, I think that there should be 3-5 staple ships for each faction that are ALWAYS available, regardless of waves. As I said previously, I am all for cycling in and out pilots (and certain ships), but the truly indicative ships of each faction should also be there. For instance, the Rebel faction should always have T-65s, A-Wings, and B-Wings (and U-Wings, please!); the Empire should always have TIE/ln Fighters, TIE Interceptors, and TIE Advanceds; and, First Order should have Upsilons!